Friday, February 28, 2014

Favor System

This script adds favor system to your game. You can increase/decrease favors by using skills in battle. Also, you can control what skills can be learned by the amount of favor.

Download: here.


Place this script below ▼ Materials and above ▼ Main Process.


When a character gain favor to a god, he/she will lose favors with another gods.

To make a skill gain or lose favor with a specific god, tag the skill with any of the specified notetags:
<favor increase: god, amount>
<favor increase: god, amount>
where god is the name of the gods specified in God_List, and amount isthe amount of faih increased/decreased by skill usage. Amount can contain decimals.


<favor increase: Thor, 5>
This will make you gain 5 favor to Thor by using the skill.
<favor decrease: Loki, 3.6>
This will make you lose 3.6 favor to Loki by using the skill.

To make a skill needs some amount of favor to be learned, tag the skill with the following notetags:
<learn need favor: god, amount>
where god is the name of the gods specified in God_List, and amount is the amount of faith needed. Amount can contain decimals.


<learn need favor: Thor, 50>
This will make the skill needs 50 favors to Thor to be able to be learned.

All note-tags above can be used multiple times to add different gods to the list.
Note that the god's name is case-sensitive, "freya" is different from "Freya".

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